Workout Challenge of the Month

Workout Challenge of the Month #75

Perform the following in as many rounds as possibly in 20 minutes. 10 KB Swings 10 Mountain Climbers with Pushup 10 KB Upright Rows 10 KB Goblet Squats 10 Burprees

PHO Who?

By Carla Schuit   – Registered Dietitian Lately there has been a lot in the news about PHO’s (partially hydrogenated oils) and Trans fats.  The FDA changed the face of the food industry last week by announcing that they are removing PHOs from their list of GRAS (generally recognized as safe) ingredients and therefore prohibiting their use in food. if food …

ForwardFit Anniversary Celebration

We are so excited to celebrate our 2nd year anniversary at our Carol Stream location that we want to invite you to come and join us. On Saturday, June 13th we will be having FREE classes. 9am Fitness Boxing, 10am – Metabolic Circuit Training, Possibly more!!! We will have vendors on hand giving out samples answering questions and offering items …

Workout Challenge of the Month

Workout Challenge of the Month #74

Peform the following moves with 10 reps each for 5 total rounds for time. Barbell Clean and Press – 10 Barbell Front Squat – 10 Barbell Deadlift – 10 Barbell Bent Over Row – 10 Barbell Ab Roll Out – 10

Hot Trends 2015

By Carla Schuit   – Registered Dietitian Food trends are ever changing. There is always some new food you should be eating or a new top 5 list of foods you should avoid. We have all heard them. Eggs will give you a heart attack, Flaxseed will save your life, Kale is king!! So what is true and what isn’t? Here …

A Little Wine a Day Will Keep the Doctor Away?

*Warning Drinking too much of any Alcoholic product is not healthy and can cause adverse reactions* Before we jump into why wine is good for you, let’s get to know wine a little more. Wine is made from fermented grapes or other fruits. The natural chemical balance of grapes lets them ferment without the addition of sugars, acids, enzymes, water, …