By Shannon Flanagan- CPT
In the summer months I was looking to lean out a little bit. A friend came up to me and told me about something called Shakeology. At first I was a little skeptical because I have tried many before and I never really liked the taste or felt different on them. I went on the website to read about it and was amazed at the quality and incredible responses people had to the shakes. Shakeology has multiple benefits including to help you lose weight, feel energized, improve digestion and regularity, and lower cholesterol. I sat down and researched a good meal replacement that will give me all the nutrients I need without making me feel bloated or hungry in an hour. A perfect balance is what we are all striving for and I have the solution…shakeology.
Our lives are busy and sometimes we find it hard to consume all the necessary nutrients for our bodies in everyday living. Well Shakeology has it all in one scoop of powder. It is easy and packed with over 70 rich ingredients and considered the healthiest meal of the day. Shakeology is honestly, for most people, the healthiest thing you will put in your body all day. Check out the flavors and their ingredients…they even have Chocolate and Strawberry vegan flavors for friends with dairy issues.
Vegan Chocolate
Even if you searched all over the world, you probably wouldn’t be able to find all of the 70-plus, ultra-high-quality ingredients we’ve included in Shakeology. You will get a wide range of essential nutrients, from the fruits and vegetables you should be eating more of every day and receive all the benefits of important foods from all around the world. Some key ingredients that make this shake different from all the rest is:
• Vitamins and minerals for optimal health
• Antioxidants and phytonutrients to help you fight free radicals that results in degenerative disease
• Prebiotics and Probiotics that will aid you in the improvement or regularity, digestion and nutrient absorption
• Protein and amino acids that will help with lean muscle building and reduce your craving
• Fiber that promotes ‘regularity’
• Healthy sugars to replenish lost glycogen stores post work out and to stabilize blood sugar levels – IT IS AN APPROVED LOW GLYCEMIC PRODUCT for diabetics.
After trying so many different kinds of shakes and protein powders, I have never felt so healthy or energized thanks to these shakes. It’s easy, convenient, and worth the bucks. It comes with over 30 recipes for each flavor. If you tried to create your own shake using all the ingredients they use it would easily cost you over $400 bucks a month to keep up with it. TRY IT TODAY!!!
Email me with any questions! [email protected]