It’s a new year and it’s time to mix things up. It is important that you change your mindset, nutrition and workouts to see optimum results in 2012. Let’s break down each to see how you can reinvent yourself.
Mindset – It starts here. You must think positively on the change you are about to make. Set your goals and the steps you will take to get there. Write them down and post your goals where you can see them every day. I like to have them in three places: My mirror, refrigerator and office desk. Seeing your goals multiple times throughout the day will be a nice reminder to stay focused.
Make sure you plan short and long term goals and reward yourself with little wins along the way that will help encourage your progress. For instance if your goal is to workout 5 times a week, after you have accomplished that in the first week buy yourself a foam roller to help your recovery process. Maybe your long-term goal is to lose 20 pounds by June. As your reward take a week vacation to show off your new lean body.
Nutrition – The biggest change will happen if you maintain a healthy diet. Make sure you set your nutritional plans ahead of time and figure out what you will be eating for the upcoming week. I always recommend to my clients to make their meals on Sunday for their work week, and then make dinner Friday, or make that your cheat meal and treat yourself that night. You should be eating every three hours so make sure you plan accordingly. Tupperware your meals up and bring them to work with you. By preparing your meals ahead of time you will be less likely to swing in to a fast food place or pop in a frozen dinner because you were too tired to prepare a meal.
If weight loss is your goal, lean protein and vegetables should be staples in every meal. Reward yourself with complex carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes or whole-wheat pasta after a good workout. And make sure you drink about a gallon of water a day.
Keep it simple and keep it clean!
Workouts– Your body gets used to a specific routine every 4-6 weeks. Have you been doing the same chest routine on Mondays for the past five years? Well it is time to mix it up and shock the muscles into improving your body.
Sticking with the concept of getting lean, try a combination of strength training and cardio performed in a circuit format. Your rest period will be the time it takes you to move to the next exercise. Pick a handful of exercises that challenges the entire body.
By keeping the heart rate up while using compound movements such as deadlifts and snatches you will burn a lot more calories, which is needed to achieve your goals. Mix in burpees and jumping jacks for the cardio component and your will have one challenging workout.
Make sure you start the year right with planning out your attack. Get your mind ready and set your goals accordingly. Plan your meals and workouts and reward yourself along the way when you achieve the small wins. It will be a hard battle but with these tips you will find that not only have you reinvented your body, you have reinvented yourself. Then you can treat yourself with that nice beach vacation.
-Bill Waltzek