Anna Henley

Anna Henley’s Testimonial Video

“I have been training with Bill for almost 2 ½ years. I had been working out since the birth of my last child which was 18 years ago and never felt like I was getting the results I wanted. I didn’t have a lot of weight to lose but I wanted to be tone.”

“Bill assured me I could reach my goals, but I needed to do as he instructed. He taught me about weight training, aerobics, and nutrition. I worked hard on the weight training and aerobics and saw results, but I was still eating chocolate all day. When I finally listened to him on the nutrition and started eating 6 meals a day, drinking water, making sure I consume enough protein, the results have been amazing in a short period of time. I am 45 and I hear all the time that people would never think I was that age. I am complimented on my figure and it feels great. I could have never accomplished this without training with Bill. He is what a personal trainer should be. He trains by example, he is consistently attending classes to make sure he can continue learning and educating his clients to the highest potential. Above all he believes in what he teaches and makes it fun. I have been with other trainers and there is no comparison to the passion that Bill has for fitness.”


-Anna Henley