5 Tips to Stay Healthy and Fit During the Holidays.

By Shannon Flanagan – CPT  (Photo: Constant Contact) 1. Change up your workout routine 2. Make smarter choices with ingredients 3. Drink plenty of water 4. Get rid of leftovers 5. 3-5 day cleanse 1. Now that winter is here and it’s getting colder out in most states, (In LA it’s still 80 degrees) your outdoor routine has most likely …

Onward Progress!

  By Amy Pelz The holidays are right around the corner which means that there will be temptation everywhere I turn. With the amount of progress I’ve made in the past month though, I don’t think getting through them will be that big of a challenge for me. Since my last update, I’ve gained 3 pounds of muscle and my …

The Great Pumpkin Workout

Now that Halloween is over, don’t discard that pumpkin just yet. We put together a fun pumpkin workout that you might enjoy. Watch the video and give it your best!

Proper Protein Pre-Post Workout

By Shannon Flanagan – CPT Pre-workout: Before working out it is crucial that we eat a well-balanced meal. As it turns out, if your goal is to maximize your workout and get (or maintain) a lean body, eating, not starving, is your best strategy.  It takes the body four to six hours to digest fat, about three hours to digest …

Relying on Good Habit

By Amy Pelz When I took the challenge of training for this figure competition, all sorts of positive thoughts swirled through my head leading up to the end result.  Thinking about the process as a whole ignited some pretty amazing, empowering thoughts.  But actually, in retrospect, getting down to the everyday nitty gritty of it has been somewhat grueling.  Every …