Healthy Holidays

By Carla Schuit RD, LDN, MPH First I would like to think everyone who was able to attend the presentation last week. It was great being able to share some healthy holiday tips with you and also answer your questions. I really hope to see you all soon again. The holidays can be tricky to navigate successfully. Remember a lot …

November 2014 Workout Challenge of the Month

Perform the following workout in a “count up” fashion. Start with one rep of each, then repeat with two reps of each, then three and so on for a total of 20 minutes. How many rounds can you do in 20 minutes? – Bear crawl 10 feet then perform a DB Press – Reverse bear crawl 10 feet then perform …

All Jazzed up. Caffeine and Athletic Performance

By Carla Schuit -Registered Dietitian 75% of Americans start their day with a cup-o -caffeine. Whether it be coffee, tea or another source. We live hectic lives and need to be awake and alert through out the day. Many people don’t stop at their morning cup but continue to drink a variety of caffeinated beverages throughout the day. Food and …

October 2014 Workout Challenge of the Month

Perform the following workout in 20 minutes as many rounds as you can. DB clean and Press – 10 per side Mountain Climbers – 20 (10 per side) Pushups – 20 Inverted TRX Rows – 20  

Time to Eat: Fueling up for performance

By Carla Schuit -Registered Dietitian Timing is everything. This certainly applies to your nutritional needs and their effect on your athletic performance. You want to have the nutrients available that your body needs to perform its best. Eat like a prince in the morning and a pauper in the evening. I heard this general rule of thumb a lot as …