Perform the following for 30 minutes in as many rounds as possible. 20 Wall balls 15 Pushups 10 Bent over Rows 5 Burpees
February 2015 Workout Challenge of the Month
Perform the following for time: 500 Meter Row 50 DB Thursters 500 Meter Row 75 DB Pushups 500 Meter Row 100 Full Situps
January 2015 Workout Challenge of the Month
Perform the following in as many rounds as you can in 25 minutes. 15 – Pullups 10 – Box Jumps 15 – KB 2H Swings 10 – Superband Presses
December 2014 Workout Challenge of the Month
Perform the following in 25 minutes completing as many rounds as possible. 5 – pullups 10 – 2arm KB Clean and Press 15 – 2HKB Swings 20 – Full situps
November 2014 Workout Challenge of the Month
Perform the following workout in a “count up” fashion. Start with one rep of each, then repeat with two reps of each, then three and so on for a total of 20 minutes. How many rounds can you do in 20 minutes? – Bear crawl 10 feet then perform a DB Press – Reverse bear crawl 10 feet then perform …
October 2014 Workout Challenge of the Month
Perform the following workout in 20 minutes as many rounds as you can. DB clean and Press – 10 per side Mountain Climbers – 20 (10 per side) Pushups – 20 Inverted TRX Rows – 20
September 2014 Workout Challenge of the Month
Perform as many rounds as you can in 25 minutes 5 Pullups 10 Box Jumps 15 KB Swings 20 Rope Slams
August 2014 Workout Challenge of the Month
Perform the following for as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes 10- DB Squat, Thrust and Press 10- Pullup 10- Hanging Knee Raises 10- 2-Hand KB Swings
July 2014 Workout Challenge of the Month
Perform the following for 25 minutes completing as many rounds as you can. – 10 KB Swings – 10 Spiderman Pushups (5 per side) – 10 V-situps – 10 KB Goblet Squat and Press – 10 TRX Row Top Rounds 16
June 2014 Workout Challenge of the Month
Perform the following for as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes: 10 – 2 Arm KB Clean and Press 10 – Lunges each leg 10 – Pushups 10 – Pull ups Rounds to beat: Anna – 7 KB – 6 Katie – 8 Zach – 7 Kent – 6