With the holidays rapidly approaching make sure you set a goal to maintain. You don’t want to undo all the hard work you have achieved over the past year in one month. It is not as hard as you think; you can still enjoy your favorite holiday treats such as pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, casseroles, etc. Follow these steps to a healthy, fun holiday. Enjoy!

Go to the gym or out for a run before going to the party. You know you are probably going to eat more than usual on these special occasions so burn off some extra calories beforehand. You will feel better and studies show that you will not intake as many calories if you workout before.

Make Sure To Eat Breakfast:
The goal is to increase your metabolism, not slow it down. Make sure to eat a healthy breakfast of eggs and oatmeal, or yogurt and toast so you are not starving by the time you arrive at your party. If you are starved and around food you are setting yourself up to binge. You can enjoy your favorite foods without over doing it.

Make Sure to Supply a Healthy Dish
You never know what is going to be served at a holiday party, so the best idea is to bring a healthy dish for you to enjoy as well as some other people trying to stay healthy. If you are making a dessert, try a sugar substitute, such as stevia or truvia, and use egg whites instead of the whole egg.

Enjoy your favorite dishes
If you are craving a certain food make sure you satisfy your urge, but do not get seconds. I know it is tempting but get your food, eat slowly so you can enjoy every bite and then stick a piece of gum in your mouth so you are not tempted to go and grab seconds.

Chose Alcohol or Dessert
Both alcohol and desserts are very high in calories and sugar (most of the time) so pick which one you would rather enjoy at the party. Instead of doubling your calories, just choose one of the options and stick with it. You will not feel as guilty the next day.

-Shannon Flanagan