6 Simple Rules to Get Rid of Belly Bloat

By Shannon Flanagan – CPT

Shannon Abs

1.  Too much fiber

Many people make drastic changes to their diet during the summer time.  Switching your diet suddenly usually means your body is getting too much fiber at once.  If you are not used to eating a large amount of fiber…than don’t.  Your body doesn’t have the right bacteria to hold off all the fiber you are consuming.

I don’t suggest stop eating healthy foods, but I do suggest gradually putting healthy foods in your diet so your body doesn’t get shocked.  Some people can’t have beans and some people can’t handle broccoli.  Every body is different, I suggest adding things in and see what foods give you a reaction, and take a probiotic to create good bacteria in your gut.

2.  Drink Water:

Make sure to drink plenty of water through out the day to prevent dehydration.  Water also helps move food around your system.  If you chug too much water at once it will make your belly balloon up.

I suggest drinking about 16-25 ounces of water 1-2 hours before you exercise.  That will allow your body time to absorb the fluid your body needs.  Make sure to sip on water through out your workout to stay hydrated.

3.  Vitamins and supplements

Most doctors tell you to take your vitamins, but make sure they refer you to the ones you should be taking.  Many supplements contain additives like lactose or wheat.  Most people have a slight reaction to most additives, which will cause excess gas and bloating.

I suggest looking for vitamins that contain very few hard to pronounce words.  Also avoid any that will have lactose, gluten, and sugar alcohols.  The safest bet would be to get your vitamins from your foods.

 4.  Eat a banana

The potassium in bananas help prevent the belly to inflate.  “When potassium is low, the body retains extra sodium and holds on to water.” Says Joy Bauer, RD.  Other potassium rich foods include:  mushrooms, tomatoes, dark leafy greens (spinach, kale, swiss chard), salmon, and halibut.

5.  Protein bars and protein powder

Many bars and powder contain whey protein which is a source of dairy and causes the belly to balloon up.  Stay clear from most milk products if you want to keep your belly flat.

I suggest finding a non-dairy bar or protein powder such as rice or hemp protein.  You can find them at Whole Foods and online.  You may pay a little more but it’s worth the extra bucks.

Although it is considered dairy, yogurt is a really great for the gut.  You must find one that contains bifidobacteria.  Fage Greek yogurt and Activia both contain bifidobacteria. A good probiotic can reduce gas and bloating.

6.  Contract your abs

Most people aren’t bloated they just don’t know how to contract their abs.  If you develop a habit of slouching or relaxing the muscles in your diaphragm, you probably will feel bloated because your stomach is hanging out.  I always say imagine you are trying to fit in to a really tight pair of jeans.  You have to suck your gut in tight to the spine in order to squeeze those babies on.  That could solve a lot of your problems if you remember to do it so it becomes habitual and could make your abdominals tigher.